Jane Austen Fiction

Many of my books are based on Jane Austen's novels. They are available from your local book shop or online from Amazon UK by clicking here and Amazon US by clicking here, as well as other Amazons and online booksellers. To find out more about each book, please follow the links below.

Darcy's Diary / Mr Darcy's Diary

Mr Knightley's Diary

Captain Wentworth's Diary - Editor's Choice, Historical Novels Review

Edmund Bertram's Diary

Colonel Brandon's Diary

Henry Tilney's Diary

Wickham's Diary - a novella

Mr Darcy, Vampyre - nominated for the Jane Austen Awards

Pride and Pyramids - with Jacqueline Webb

Dear Mr Darcy

All About Darcy

A list of all the novels, novellas and short stories I've written containing Mr Darcy